Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Last chance - 2007

Date: Tuesday, December 18 (6:00PM)
Meet Location: Snowflake Nordic Ski Center lodge
Activity: Skate Skiing
Weather: 30F and slight wind
Gear Req'd: XC Skate Skis, Poles, $3 for night pass
Trail Conditions: SkinnySki report

Special Notes: We are unsure what gear potential participants may have, but, with the conditions so nice and the lit course, we couldn't pass up the opportunity to try out the ski trails. Please post a comment to let us know if you did not or would not participate exclusively because you do not have skis.

We will NOT be meeting on Christmas day, but New Year's day is still undecided, so make sure to check back if you are interested. Also, feel free to send us a comment if you would be interested in a short notice trail run in the next two weeks, which we would still post on the blog.

Post Ski Recap:
You would be hard pressed to find a nicer night to cross country ski. Having never frequented SnowFlake prior to tonight, I was pleased with the facility, trail, and value (stop in after 5PM and the cost is only $3!). I also realized we may need to have some sort of banner or flag for new participants if the location is somewhat ambiguous. If you haven't stopped in thus far, it wouldn't hurt to shoot us a comment or email to insure we don't miss you. That being said, this is and will for the foreseeable future be an open group...just stop in when it works for you, no strings attached.

Snowflake has a 5k loop that is lit, which is clearly an advantage when all 8-5'ers are going to ski in the dark. The loop is great with enough hills to make it interesting, but none so great as to deter skiers out for the first time in the season. The conditions tonight were absolutely fantastic, with enough base to not worry about bare spots, warm enough temps to ward off potentially icy conditions but not warm enough to create slushy trails. All that being said, can you believe that next to no one was out on the trails! Most of the skiers were leaving about the time we got started and we saw one other skier as did our own post-activity recap at the chalet.

We did two loops, but I sensed that Greg would have loved to do at least one more. Since it was my first time out skiing this year. Any good skiers, please feel free to attend because I definitely need to work on technique the next few outings. Perhaps this is weird, but my shins always feel sore the first few kilometers of skiing for the season. It probably just confirms bad form! That being said, everyone felt it was an unbelievable night. Sorry for everyone who couldn't make it.

Again, we will not be meeting next week (have a blessed Christmas) but may fill in with another activity prior to New Years day.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Winter Wonderland - Take 2

Date: Tuesday, December 11 (6:00PM)
Meet Location: Hartley - meet in the Hartley Nature Center parking lot
Activity: Snowshoe
Weather: 19F
Gear Req'd: Headlamps and snowshoes (we will bring extras of both if you don't have them)

Post-run Recap:

Only two of us this time around (Greg and Clint). That's not entirely true, we also had two canine companions (Scout and Cooper; both high-energy labs) who were quite happy to set the pace for us.

We started out from the main parking lot and made our way to the Guardrail Loop. It was relatively easy going as the trail has seen a lot of use since the last snowfall. It probably wasn't totally necessary to use snowshoes, but it sure was fun! Snowshoeing also helps pack down the trail which will enable the mountain bikers out there to get out and ride.

The repeat tradition (any significant hill or set of steps must be completed the number of times equivalent to the number of participants) wasn't as grueling as usual seeing as we only had two particpants. The only time we did a repeat was on "The Big Hill." We briefly thought about including Scout and Cooper in the equation, but after we caught our breath the second time up we decided that twice was enough and pushed onward.

Before we knew it we were back at the parking lot and wrapped up another successful Tuesday night run. It was a great night to be outside. Duluth has so much to offer. It's hard to believe that just two weeks ago we didn't have any snow on the ground!

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Winter Wonderland

Date: Tuesday, December 11 (6:00PM)

Meet Location: Hartley - meet in the Hartley Nature Center parking lot
Activity: Snowshoe
Weather: 14F with flurries and slight wind
Gear Req'd: Headlamps and snowshoes (we will bring an extras of both if you don't have them)

Special Notes: We will be bringing a handheld GPS to start logging our outings on mapmyrun.com to enable those interested to better assess the activity. A map of the route with a link to the activity will be posted on the blog following the activity (a direct link to the group is listed on Partners & Sponsors).